Oh 2014, we hardly knew ye. We’ve seen 3 superhero movies, 2 new iPhones, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Kim Kardashian broke the Internet, and Russia unplugged from it (sort of). The selfie went mainstream, and with it grew Instagram, which has now overtaken Twitter with 300 million active users.
G20, Sochi 2014 and MH370. Ebola, Gaza, and Cups from Melbourne and the World. Words that inexplicably seemed foreign before, but are now topics to be dropped into watercooler conversations in offices around the country.
Locally, we took challenges with ice buckets, put out our bats and watched NSW win their first State of Origin series in nine years. The mining sector took a hit, but the sales of luxury cars went through the roof.
These are all events that happened throughout the year. The channels delivering these messages are changing and evolving as is the audience - the fastest growing demographic for video games is women 18+, which made the #gamergate controversy all the more bewildering, and disappointing.
This is the first installment of our blog, where we are all about positively powering brands. We will be bringing you media news, digital and product innovation and think pieces about communications, branding and the industry in which we operate.
We’ve also got our social media presence sorted, with links below if you’d like to get more positivity in your life.
In addition, this year in lieu of a gifts to clients, we have a made a donation to Hope Centre Services, a local organization that helps disadvantaged people within the community. They will be putting on a Christmas lunch for 100 people this year.
And finally, from JK, Wade, Rachel, Jay and Jade, we’d like to say we hope you and those near and dear to you have a relaxing break, a Merry Christmas, and a fabulous new year.